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bus safety clipart
Dodge County Schools is partnered with local law enforcement to continuously assess and enhance safety and security protocols across our school campuses. We conduct regular safety drills throughout the school year to ensure that all students and staff are well-prepared to respond in emergency situations.
We have invested significant resources in implementing heightened safety measures across our facilities. We remain dedicated to implementing further improvements as advised by our District safety team and law enforcement partners.
Dodge County Schools have also been awarded the Ready GA Seal of Preparedness for their efforts in safety by GADOE and GEMA/HS. 
Safety is our number one priority at Dodge County Schools.  We are committed to taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of our students, teachers, staff, and visitors.

HB 402 requires Georgia school districts to provide water safety education information annually to parents and guardians of students. Please click below to view the water safety resources and information provided by the American Red Cross and YMCA.

Water Safety - American Red Cross

Safety Around Water - YMCA



Centegix Logo
Safe Schools Training Logo
Dr. Patricia Connell
Federal Programs Director/ Safety
478-374-3783 Ext. 132