School Social Work
Jodi Brewer
School Social Worker
478-374-3783 Ext. 120
Counselor's Corner
Back to School!!
The Dodge County School System is excited to announce a continued partnership with the Community Service Board of Middle Georgia. Last spring we were able to host two Parent Cafe’s facilitated by The Community Service Board of MIddle Georgia in partnership with the School System's Social Services Department to provide support and resources to the parents, guardians, and students of Dodge County. Any adult who is involved in raising a child in Dodge County is invited to attend these Parent Cafe’s to obtain support, resources, and engage in self-care. Below you will see a picture of the May event which involved a Paint Party for Parents put on by instructor Maria Williams and her assistants from Grace Place Art and Yoga Studio. This class was free of charge, well attended, and enjoyed by all! We will be hosting these classes monthly.
Here are a few other ways to help your student be successful and to help your student to have the best year:
Be with your child. Research shows that the time you spend with your child is vital to his or her happiness and development. Parents are their children's first teachers -- and they are life-long teachers.
Three kinds of parental involvement at home are consistently associated with higher student achievement: actively organizing and monitoring a child's time, helping with homework, and discussing school matters.
Positive results of parental involvement include improved student achievement, reduced absenteeism, improved behavior, and restored confidence among parents in their children's schooling.
Furthermore, the Dodge County School System offers several support services to our students such as:
School Counseling Services
Nursing Services at every school
Licensed Professional Mental Health Services
21st CCLC After School programming starting at kindergarten through the 12th grade
Hospital Homebound Services
Connect With DODGE
Two years ago we created the Connect with Dodge link on the Dodge County Schools district website! Through this link, any student, parent, or concerned adult can connect with the school system’s mental health team and receive help. This referral is completely confidential and will only be viewed by the Licensed Professional Counselor or the School Social Worker. We are excited about offering this service, and if further information is needed, please complete the form and one of us will get back to you. Additionally, if ongoing services are needed, a professional will discuss further options with parents and guardians. We are excited to offer this service to our students and to their families!
If you or your student has a question about how to get involved at your child’s school or you need more information about the services we provide, you can always contact the counselor at your child’s school or Jodi Brewer at the Board of Education (478) 374-3783