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Travel Template

Travel Template 7/1/2022

Dodge County Schools Travel Procedures

Dodge County Schools use the State of Georgia Travel Policy as a guide on rates and allowable expenses.
How to fill out an Employee Expense Statement. This form should be completed on-line and then printed.
  •  Fill out the employee information at the top of the expense statement. You must complete all parts, ex., Headquarters, Auto License #....
  • The date, departure time and arrival time must be completed for each day you are claiming travel. Identify the location of departure and arrival for each date.
  • One month per expense statement.
  • Agenda of Professional Learning must be attached to travel reimbursement form.
  •  If an expense statement is not completed correctly, it must be returned to the employee.
Mileage- Mileage allowance is calculated from work location to workshop/conference and return. The reimbursement amount is based on the state policy. Parking fees at conference sites are reimbursable, but require proof of payment.

Meals- Meals are reimbursed at the same rate at the state reimbursement rate for all in-state travel (See 4.3 of the State Travel Policy). For meals allowances on multi-day reimbursement, the following is applied: 

Lodging- Lodging expenses may be reimbursed. You are required to attach your hotel receipt to your expense statement. The receipt must include the name of the person being reimbursed. When registering for lodging the employee should claim exemption from the local hotel excise tax. The fund code that the reimbursement is being paid from must be included in the appropriate area. Lodging is reimbursed at the same rate at the state reimbursement rate according to area of stay, and will be monitored and adjusted to reflect any changes in the state policy. The only instances when the per diem rates are not applied, are when conference rates are used and noted on the receipt. Conference rates are reimbursed at the nightly rate charged. If more than 1 person shares a room, per diem rates will apply per person.

Timeline for Approval and Payment- All expense statements should be submitted to the Accounts Payable Department within 45 days of the time the expense incurred. When this time frame is followed, expense checks should be printed within 10 days. Expense statements received after 45 days may be declined for payment.

All travel expenses must be considered necessary, reasonable, allowable and consistent with the written travel policy and federal program through which it is funded. Policies and procedures are applied
consistently to local and federal dollars. Professional learning activities and travel require preapproval for allowability of participant and activity.

Appropriate supporting documentation includes an agenda and, if applicable, a sign-in sheet. For travel related to a professional learning activity, employee will submit all required supporting documentation with travel form.